Meet Lisa.

Nothing great comes from sameness.’

As a CPHR professional who received a late diagnosis of ADHD, it has been my passion and hyperfocus to learn everything I could about supporting Neurodiversity in the workplace. After twenty-five years of working in the field of neurodiversity, my understanding of differences is constantly changing. First, as a seemingly neurotypical, I supported children with neurodiversity and led organizations as a Regional Manager, HR manager and Director and after, as an ADHDer, I learned to navigate this new world with greater empathy and a different way of managing teams. I realized I used to look for barriers before I saw the individual and their strengths. That was until the tables turned.

I was lucky enough to work in an organization filled with neurodiverse professionals who were comfortable with who they were, and workplace adjustments were commonplace. The team was cohesive, and the business thrived. We grew from forty clients to three hundred clients in four years! I know what is possible!

As I began creating organizational systems and policies, I realized it is impossible to separate Neurodiversity from all other forms of diversity, nor should you. We are all diverse and multifaceted. To support a diverse team, you must consider the intersectional complexity of gender, race, privilege, and ableism. What about bias? What about trauma? What of the shame someone feels asking for an accommodation and admitting that they need help because of who they are?

I look forward to meeting you and discussing the benefits that come from our differences. Through education, acceptance and being open to trying something new, we can work towards productive, creative organizational teams by supporting true inclusion.

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MindMosaic Inclusive HR, today.